
We invite you to watch the movie “T-34”.

Dear friends!

Wellington Russian Club, with the financial support of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in NewZealand, organizes the high-octane action movie screening – “T-34” (2018).

We welcome you to join us.

The movie showing on the big screen will be held on Saturday, 13 April 2019 at:

Newtown Community Centre

(Cnr Rintoul & Colombo Streets, Newtown)

Start at 15:00

Soundtrack in Russian with English subtitles.

The entrance is free.

Charity donations for Wellington Russian Club are welcomed.

After watching it is offered buffet and socialising.

Bring with you a favourite dish of homemade cooking and drinks.


Director and writer: Aleksey Sidorov

Actors: Alexander Petrov Victor Dobronravov Irina Starshenbaum Vinzenz Kiefer Petr Skvortsov SemyonTreskunov Artyom Bystrov Michael Janibekyan Anton Bogdanov Sofya Sinitsyna Yuliya Dzhulai Darya Hramtsova Vasiliy Uriyevskiy Vasiliy Butkevich Yaroslav Shtefan Kirill Lopatkin Polina Volkova WolfgangCerny Yuriy Borisov Igor Khripunov Paul Orlyanskiy

«T-34» – high-octane tribute to the Soviet tank that played a key role on the Eastern Front of the GreatPatriotic War (World War II).

Spanning the years 1941-45, the film tells the story of Red Army Lieutenant Nikolai Ivushkin’s unlikelyattempt to escape a German prisoner-of-war camp in a T-34 tank that he and three other men aretasked with repairing by their Nazi overseers. The fugitives are cornered in a German village near theCzechoslovak border, where an epic tank battle culminates the movie.

The slow-motion projectiles and video-game graphics give the movie a modern feel, and its simplestoryline is thin on nuance. According to director Aleksei Sidorov, the aim of the film was to “tell thestory of war in a way that appeals to the youth but doesn’t prove controversial among those who stillkeep the Great Patriotic War (World War II) in their memory,” the Culture Ministry quoted him as sayingin a press release.